Heaven and Earth Qigong: Heal Your Body And Awaken Your Qi
Heaven and Earth Qigong Book
(Volume One)
By Taoist Master Bruce Frantzis and Paul Cavel
Amazon #1 Best Seller!
Heaven and Earth is a classic Taoist qigong, which consists of a two-part exercise that engages and stretches all the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and fascia of the body. As layers of internal and energetic components are worked deeper into the body, the fluids (e.g. blood, lymph, interstitial and cerebrospinal) and qi circulate more powerfully. With activation of the pulse (through opening-and-closing neigong techniques), the nerves release and allow the body and mind to open, relax and let go. It’s no mystery why this 3,000-year-old, pure Taoist qi gong system has prevailed throughout the ages.
Available at Amazon.com:
432-page paperback book