Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong.


Most people find it rather difficult to feel their energy, especially in the early years of practice. In this case, Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong offers a straightforward and exceptionally easy methodology for learning how to feel your qi, and develop your mind's ability to move through your body and mobilise it.

Dragon and Tiger's seven movements are designed to stir up and progressively release stagnant and blocked energy, allowing your blood and qi (aka “life-force energy”) to circulate more strongly. This increased blood and qi flow, in turn, makes it easier for you to become of aware of any stuck or weak areas in your body, and bank the qi you generate from practice in your lower tantien.

Based on acupuncture.

Based upon the acupuncture meridian system, Dragon and Tiger uses an energetic connection between the hands and wei qi  (the layer of energy through which the meridian lines run, located just below the skin) as opposed to needles. During practice, the aim is to tune into, access and manipulate the wei qi in order to clear, open, balance and supercharge meridian-line flow, while simultaneously stretching the soft tissues of the body (fascia, muscles, ligaments and tendons).

With ongoing training, you can tune into and become present to what is occurring under the surface of your skin to ever finer degrees. Although the choreography of medical qigong movements requires a little bit of effort to learn, they can have a powerful impact on your ability to feel qi – right from the start – even when the movements are not done particularly well.

Dragon and Tiger has been practised for 1,500 years by millions of people, and it’s an excellent entry point into the Water Method.



Wu Style Tai Chi.


Heaven & Earth Qigong.