How Internal Energy Arts Boost Immune Function.
In Chinese medical theory and the Taoist Water tradition’s practices, qi or vital energy circulates through the many channels and layers of the body. External arts and modern exercise programmes were not designed to include protocols for directly working with the qi of the body.

Tai chi and qigong for inner peace.
By Jackie Smith
When I first saw titles like this one, I thought, “Sign me up for some of that”!

Qigong for acupuncturists.
By Mir Ali, LicAc, MBAcC
I love qigong … so much so that I don’t think I could be a practising acupuncturist without it. Qigong helps me keep healthy, informs my diagnosis, helps my patients keep healthy, helps me treat patients!

The joy of trees.
By Anna Price
There are many ways we can be with trees, even learn from them.

Les trois niveaux de pratique dans le tai chi et le qi gong.
Article : Paul Cavel
Traduction : Xavier Bénard
Beaucoup de gens méditent, mais, comme le fait remarquer mon professeur Bruce, cela ne vous dit pas vraiment ce qu'ils font.