Intent versus Awareness
By Paul Cavel
The Six Snakes of the body are practised in qigong, tai chi and bagua to hone your intent and develop your awareness.

Creating Neigong Weaves to Cultivate Qi & Manifest the Energies of the 5 Elements
By Paul Cavel
In this video, I meet with my friend and fellow Water Method teacher Jason Roberts to discuss how to practise to cultivate qi and manifest the energies of the Five Elements.

When Bend-and-Stretch & Lengthening Become One
By Paul Cavel
Bending-and-stretching and lengthening are two separate and refined streams of neigong.

Sitting for Meditation
By Paul Cavel
Classically Taoist Meditation was done while sitting in the Emperor’s position. In this video, I’ll show you how to sit in a chair for meditation.

In the Pursuit of Wu Wei
By Paul Cavel
Wu wei is often translated literally, based on the Chinese characters. But Water Method practitioners have a much different understanding of the Taoist concept of wu wei.

Qigong vs. Neigong: Which Is More Powerful?
By Paul Cavel and Javi Martinez
In this video, we answer the question: What is the difference between qigong and neigong?

Comment Les Arts Énergétiques Internes Renforcent Le Système Immunitaire
Auteur : Paul Cavel
Traduction : Xavier Bénard
Dans la tradition médicale chinoise et les pratiques de la tradition taoïste de l'eau, le qi ou énergie vitale circule dans les nombreux canaux et strates du corps.

The Tai Chi Space: How To Move In Tai Chi And Qi Gong
A Pictorial Guide of the 42 fundamental internal principles of Qi Gong and Tai Chi by Paul Cavel
French translation available as downloadable PDF

How Internal Energy Arts Boost Immune Function.
In Chinese medical theory and the Taoist Water tradition’s practices, qi or vital energy circulates through the many channels and layers of the body. External arts and modern exercise programmes were not designed to include protocols for directly working with the qi of the body.

Les Trois Niveaux De Pratique Dans Le Tai Chi Et Le Qi Gong.
Auteur : Paul Cavel
Traduction : Xavier Bénard
Beaucoup de gens méditent, mais, comme le fait remarquer mon professeur Bruce, cela ne vous dit pas vraiment ce qu'ils font. De même, la pratique du tai chi et du qi gong est en pleine croissance depuis un an, car l'accès aux enseignements n'a jamais été aussi facile - mais que faites-vous réellement ?

Heaven and Earth Qigong: Heal Your Body And Awaken Your Qi
Heaven and Earth Qigong is a self-healing practice that has a 3,000-year history, traditionally being reserved only for disciples.

Tai chi and qigong for inner peace.
By Jackie Smith
When I first saw titles like this one, I thought, “Sign me up for some of that”!

Qigong for acupuncturists.
By Mir Ali, LicAc, MBAcC
I love qigong … so much so that I don’t think I could be a practising acupuncturist without it. Qigong helps me keep healthy, informs my diagnosis, helps my patients keep healthy, helps me treat patients!

Die Entfaltung von “Sung” durch Innere Energiearbeit Befreie Dich von inneren Fesseln und erwecke Bewusstsein für Körper und Geist
Artikel: Paul Cavel
Übersetzung: Sebastian Heyer und Cindy Roch
Der chinesische Begriff „Sung“ wird oft mit „entspannt“ übersetzt, einer starken Vereinfachung des tatsächlich Beschriebenen. Eine genauere Übersetzung wäre „Ungebunden“, ein Körperzustand ohne unnötige Bindungen, Widerstände und Verspannungen.

The joy of trees.
By Anna Price
There are many ways we can be with trees, even learn from them.

Les trois niveaux de pratique dans le tai chi et le qi gong.
Article : Paul Cavel
Traduction : Xavier Bénard
Beaucoup de gens méditent, mais, comme le fait remarquer mon professeur Bruce, cela ne vous dit pas vraiment ce qu'ils font.

Tigre et dragon : un système de qi gong médical
Tigre et dragon est un système de qi gong médical en sept mouvements, originaire de Chine. Pratiqué depuis 1 500 ans par des millions de personnes

Energy Gates Qigong.
Energy Gates Qigong is the foundation of all Taoist meditation and energy arts practices, specifically developing the qualities of the Water Element.

Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong.
Dragon and Tiger's seven movements are designed to stir up and progressively release stagnant and blocked energy, allowing your blood and qi to circulate more strongly.

Heaven & Earth Qigong.
Heaven and Earth Qigong is a self-healing practice that has a 3,000-year history, traditionally being reserved only for disciples.