The Tai Chi Space: How To Move In Tai Chi And Qi Gong
A Pictorial Guide of the 42 fundamental internal principles of Qi Gong and Tai Chi by Paul Cavel
French translation available as downloadable PDF

Tai chi and qigong for inner peace.
By Jackie Smith
When I first saw titles like this one, I thought, “Sign me up for some of that”!

Yang Style Tai Chi.
The Yang form taught at the The Tai Chi Space is derived from that of Yang Cheng Fu, a direct descendant of the Yang family. The internal techniques conform to all the principles of the 16-neigong system.

Tai Chi Circling Hands.
If you do not do something to specifically focus on circularity, then your forms will always include inertia.

Wu Style Tai Chi.
Initially designed to become a form of moving meditation, the Wu style serves as a container for all 16 Taoist neigong.