Taoist Breathing: The Diaphragm Is the Engine
Breathing is one of the most direct and simple ways to gain access to your internal landscape, and encourage a calm, relaxed state in body and mind.

Tai chi and qigong for inner peace.
By Jackie Smith
When I first saw titles like this one, I thought, “Sign me up for some of that”!

Qigong for acupuncturists.
By Mir Ali, LicAc, MBAcC
I love qigong … so much so that I don’t think I could be a practising acupuncturist without it. Qigong helps me keep healthy, informs my diagnosis, helps my patients keep healthy, helps me treat patients!

Die Entfaltung von “Sung” durch Innere Energiearbeit Befreie Dich von inneren Fesseln und erwecke Bewusstsein für Körper und Geist
Artikel: Paul Cavel
Übersetzung: Sebastian Heyer und Cindy Roch
Der chinesische Begriff „Sung“ wird oft mit „entspannt“ übersetzt, einer starken Vereinfachung des tatsächlich Beschriebenen. Eine genauere Übersetzung wäre „Ungebunden“, ein Körperzustand ohne unnötige Bindungen, Widerstände und Verspannungen.

The joy of trees.
By Anna Price
There are many ways we can be with trees, even learn from them.

Les trois niveaux de pratique dans le tai chi et le qi gong.
Article : Paul Cavel
Traduction : Xavier Bénard
Beaucoup de gens méditent, mais, comme le fait remarquer mon professeur Bruce, cela ne vous dit pas vraiment ce qu'ils font.

Tigre et dragon : un système de qi gong médical
Tigre et dragon est un système de qi gong médical en sept mouvements, originaire de Chine. Pratiqué depuis 1 500 ans par des millions de personnes

Yang Style Tai Chi.
The Yang form taught at the The Tai Chi Space is derived from that of Yang Cheng Fu, a direct descendant of the Yang family. The internal techniques conform to all the principles of the 16-neigong system.

Energy Gates Qigong.
Energy Gates Qigong is the foundation of all Taoist meditation and energy arts practices, specifically developing the qualities of the Water Element.

Tai Chi Circling Hands.
If you do not do something to specifically focus on circularity, then your forms will always include inertia.

Wu Style Tai Chi.
Initially designed to become a form of moving meditation, the Wu style serves as a container for all 16 Taoist neigong.

Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong.
Dragon and Tiger's seven movements are designed to stir up and progressively release stagnant and blocked energy, allowing your blood and qi to circulate more strongly.

Heaven & Earth Qigong.
Heaven and Earth Qigong is a self-healing practice that has a 3,000-year history, traditionally being reserved only for disciples.

Gods Playing in the Cloud Qigong.
The most advanced of the Taoist neigong systems, Gods Playing in the Clouds Qigong, bridging the gap between neigong and Taoist meditation.